American Letters & Commentary, Inc. is an eclectic, nonprofit [501(c)3] literary publisher dedicated to promoting innovative and challenging writing in all forms.
Although AL&C is housed in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Texas at San Antonio, the views expressed in its publications are not necessarily those of UTSA, its administration, its employees, or its students, nor are they necesarrily the views of AL&C’s officers, editors, volunteers, or donors
AL&C inaugurated its book press in 2009. We are not accepting unsolicited manuscripts at this time, but we plan to do so in the near future, so check back for updates.
AL&C's eponymous annual journal of literature and art was in production for twenty-four issues before being put on hiatus in 2014. We are concentrating our efforts on book production and have no plans to revive the journal, but never say never.
Click here to purchase back issues.

#24 Suspended Animation

#23 Future of the Book

#22 Long Poems/Series

#21 Terra Incognita

#20 Ephemera

#19 Collaboration
Our Services
Fusce at accumsan elit. Sed ut urna pulvinar, ultricies orci eu, pretium lectus. Integer vulputate lorem ac nisi eleifend, at egestas mauris eleifend.
Vivamus aliquam lectus non tortor pellentesque, sit amet ultricies ex rutrum. Nunc ut neque sem. Proin fermentum libero ac vestibulum sollicitudin.
In tellus ipsum, ullamcorper vitae justo sit amet, mattis consequat tortor. Suspendisse risus urna, posuere id orci ut, facilisis accumsan ipsum.
Our Services
Fusce at accumsan elit. Sed ut urna pulvinar, ultricies orci eu, pretium lectus. Integer vulputate lorem ac nisi eleifend, at egestas mauris eleifend.
Vivamus aliquam lectus non tortor pellentesque, sit amet ultricies ex rutrum. Nunc ut neque sem. Proin fermentum libero ac vestibulum sollicitudin.
In tellus ipsum, ullamcorper vitae justo sit amet, mattis consequat tortor. Suspendisse risus urna, posuere id orci ut, facilisis accumsan ipsum.
Catherine Kasper, my Co-Editor at American Letters & Commentary for over 10 years (and my partner in all things for over 23 years) died in April 2017 after a lengthy battle with cancer. Her intelligence, her wit and humor, her honesty and compassion, were driving forces for AL&C. She is dearly missed.
David Ray Vance
Managing Editor